The Clinical Hub helps schools find the opportunities they need for their students to do clinical rotations. With The Clinical Hub, schools can:

  • FIND more clinical opportunities
  • NEGOTIATE directly with the hospital to secure opportunities
  • ACCESS schedules easily from work, home, or on the go
  • SEE other schools’ schedules to facilitate cooperation and coordination
  • EXPAND enrollment based on quantitative rotation data

Traditionally, a school requests the same slots over and over, year in and year out.  Sometimes multiple schools in an area coordinate their same requests, and hospitals try to approve these requests.  But, what about the slots that weren’t requested?  They are still there waiting for a school to use them.

That is where The Clinical Hub comes into play.  You see, in The Clinical Hub, hospitals are encouraged to create all the opportunities that are available at their facility – not just the ones requested in the past.  Schools can therefore see every opportunity -- even if it had not been utilized before.

In addition, The Clinical Hub allows a school to interact directly with a hospital to make requests while at the same time being able to see if there is overlap with other schools. This helps in avoiding  conflicts.  This transparency also allows a school, at anytime, to see another school’s approved slots which promotes coordination and cooperation.   Since only one school can be approved for any given slot, the system also prevents double-booking.

Because a school can see all opportunities available and the history of their use, schools can utilize the data stored in The Clinical Hub to plan such things as enrollment expansion and curriculum change. This is important to meet the increasing demand for qualified health care workers.

Click on the video link below to learn more about The Clinical Hub.  For more information or to set up a full demonstration contact us.